The Garden - April


This, is my garden. Where there was ground elder there shall be lettuces...and therefore slugs but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Weather and pests permitting, this year I'll get to grow lots of lovely fruit and veg, from courgettes (two colours) to tomatoes (seven varieties) to gooseberries (red, green and yellow) and peaches and Mirabelle plums. 

Perfectionists or those offended by wonkyness should not examine the very home made raised beds created from bits of things too closely. I found the boards and they were free but none too straight which combined with my innate ability to create perfect 91* angles, means that things are a little bit...characterful. If we stay long term, I'll try harder to achieve perfect rows. Maybe.

 I've cobbled everything together without nails -too unforgiving for impulsive people who don't spend enough time measuring. Hazel stakes are much easier to prise out of the ground twice or thrice and unlike nails they don't ping off if you don't hit them straight, never to be seen again.

 While we're renting I'm trying to remain restrained with my fruit obsession. I only brought, two..three, four...eight trees with me, so I was very good really.  The gooseberries are going in but my precious precious trees; peach, plum, pear, greengage, nectarine and fig are largely going to to be in pots and trained against walls, one of my favourite ways of seeing fruit trees. We'll see how well I adhere to the pot plan. Watering regimes, dabblings in grafting and the hoard of fast maturing Brunswick fig cuttings might mean that I'll have to rely more on the trough. I'll discuss the trough later.

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