Orchard Alleyway’s Cover Crop Pt2 – 2025 With advice from Plant Health all
the alleyways and around the trees were
The post Orchard Alleyway’s Cover Crop...
You might be asking yourself, Deb, why are you publishing a lemon tart
recipe when the greatest lemon tart of all time already exists on your
site? Okay,...
[image: Aubergine Bake]
It's time to start documenting the heart friendly recipes I've created or
adapted over the past few years. First up is the aube...
Creating a living grass wall is an innovative way to decorate your
interior, adding freshness and natural beauty to your space. This type of
wall is not ...
Companion Beneficial for Benefit Basil Tomatoes, aubergines, most fruit
Attracts aphids from primary crops, also said to improve the flavour of
I bought a pomegranate tree about 7 years ago. It spent a couple of years
in a pot and then I planted it out to a spot that gets a reasonable amount
of aft...
Beth Chatto Gardens in springtime It's always a pleasure to visit the Beth
Chatto Gardens in Essex - a green oasis near Colchester, created from a
Courtesy of new drive and pathway, we now have a nice, but narrow, border
full of shiny new topsoil. It's going to be dry and it's relatively shady,
and I ...
Quite honestly, I’ve been wanting to make Elderflower cordial since I
started gardening. At first I was thwarted by simply not having an
Elderberry bush no...
Riding the D010 along Turkey's Black Sea coast The 1,200 miles across
Turkey was a good time for reflection. The days were warm and the nights
cool. Most o...
Dear all.
It's been a long time! Sorry if I have failed to answer any questions, I
haven't been coming here and don't get an email feed from this blog.No...
Blogging feels very retro these days. I started this blog in 2009 and then
abandoned it in 2012 and lately I've been thinking about getting back on it
Amazing how we grow and evolve. We follow our passions and goals; they
evolve and come in and out of focus. For example, I started this blog
because I l...
There’s no denying that when you live in a place you often don’t make an
effort to visit many of its attractions, probably because you think that
there wil...
First time a bait hive has worked for me. I have swarms arrive and take up
residence in piles of bee boxes, where they weren't welcome, but never into
a p...
Joseph Strutt, *A Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of
England*, First published in 1796, reprinted, 1841.
From this terrific yellow cov...